Gulf Coast Healthy Communities Collaborative brings together partners across multiple sectors to catalyze data-driven action at the intersection of community development and health. Utilizing the Community ExCHANGE as a digital tool, we provide up-to-date local community health data and resources to assist our communities in becoming more resilient places that improve health and quality of life on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
In 2015, GCCDS received funding through Louisiana Public Health Institute to build on the 3-year regional planning process, Plan for Opportunity: Regional Sustainability Plan for the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and to launch a web-based health data platform and Healthy Communities Initiative for the three coastal counties: Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson. In April of 2016, after engaging over 40 stakeholders to inform the initiative, the Gulf Coast Community ExCHANGE was launched as a vehicle for collective health impact. The keyword-searchable website brings over 140 indicators of health and over 100 demographic data sets together with easy-to-access data visualization, tools for community assessment, and a resource library highlighting thousands of effective practices for community health, both regionally and nationwide. Our Founding Steering Committee represents a broad cross-section of the three coastal counties and engaged in a rigorous process to establish Key Priorities around 7 Topic Areas to Impact Community Health:
- Transportation & Land-Use Invest in bicycle and pedestrian networks; increase access and mobility
- Economic & Workforce Development Improve livability, job training and related support services
- Housing Promote equitable, affordable housing
- Food Systems Increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables
- Environment Improve water quality
- Health and Wellness Reduction in chronic illnesses and obesity
- Education Strengthen early childhood education and college/workforce readiness
The initiative continues to build momentum with additional funding from LPHI as well as Invest Health Gulfport, enabling the transition to a full Healthy Communities Collaborative. Our goal is to affect community health outcomes through evidenced-based built projects across the coast.
To learn more and partner with us, please contact Tracy Wyman